Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tour Short Cuts...This Rules!!

After playing with the Tour for a bit I just found out something AWESOME!!

There are some really awesome shortcut keys that you can enable, if you don't mind disabling the home screen dialing (which actually helps to prevent butt-dialing)

To disable hit the Green Send Key/ Menu Button/ General Options/ Then Go to Dial from home screen and change to NO>

Now These will be shortcut keys.

M- Messages
L- Calendar
A- Address Book
T- Tasks
B- Browser


to quickly change Profile Hold Q and then scroll left or right to change.

1 comment:

  1. There are also many more.....

    W - Weather (if installed)
    Y - Yahoo Messenger
    U - Calculator
    O - Options
    P - Phone
    S - Search
    D - Memo Pad
    G - Google Talk
    H - Help
    K - Locks the Screen
    X - Windows Live Messenger
    V - Saved Messages
    N - Blackberry Messenger

    I also found on the main screen when you highlight an icon the "Hot Key" is underlined. Hope this helps, thanks for all your posts.
